Why should I care about my health?

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Our mental health and our physical health and our spiritual health are connected. When we think that we can be healthy physically and mentally but ignore our spiritual health, then we can never be fully healthy. We are 3 part beings: body, soul, and spirit. We can’t ignore one of these things and expect to be fully healthy. We are here on earth for a purpose, and I believe that God created you and specifically designed you for such a time as this.

‭‭Maybe you have tried to get healthy in the past, but have hit an obstacle and then what happens? We give up. Self help says find the solution inside yourself. Speak your truth, live your truth. You do you! Work hard! You can do it! But those are the solutions of this world. They do not have the language for how to look to our Father in heaven.  

I want to help you fight back against the enemy and what he has already taken from you. I want you to understand your body can and will heal with what God has given us.

The main pillars of health that include nutrition, exercise, fasting, sleep, community and how to center it all around our faith. They are all important and they are all connected to living a life that is whole, healthy, and free.

Why do you want to get health?

Your why is what is going to keep you motivated after that first rush of energy and enthusiasm wears off. It will get you through when willpower isn't enough! What's going to motivate you when it gets hard and you are frustrated that you aren't seeing progress? If why you want to be healthy is connected to your values, your dreams, and purpose then you will know why you are doing it! I'm not going to do this really hard thing unless I have a really good reason. 

When I was younger, I was an athlete. I cared about performing to the best of my abilities. I played volleyball in college and was pushed harder physically and mentally than I ever thought possible.

It was exciting to see the improvements and to see my hard work start to pay off. After college though, I didn't need to perform. No one was expecting me at the gym at 6 am. There was no need to run sprints or lift heavy weights. So what happened when I didn't have a reason? I didn't have a good why?  I gained weight, I felt sluggish, and wasn't happy with how I looked or felt.

What I thought was important then, means very little to me now and over the years I have come to realize that it’s not about how I look, but for me it’s about my long term health. To the best of my ability- how long can I live a long, active and healthy life? What do I want to be able to do when I turn 60? 70?80?  

What is your purpose for desiring better health? Define your why?  Is it for your grandkids? Breaking generation bad habits? Is it so you can run around with your kids or future kids? Or you have alzheimer's that runs in your family and you want to do your best to prevent it?  Whatever it is it has to be more than just getting to your goal weight- because that will never sustain you.

 I was talking to someone and their why was wanting wrestle with his kids that are 8 and 10. He wants to be an active Dad that can play with his kids.

So after you define your why, then it’s great to start digging in to some practical aspects of health.

I have loved learning about nutrition and health. If you need some resources for books these are a few of my top recommendations:

The Genius Life by Max Lugavere

The Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton

The Power to Change by Craig Groeschel

The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailer


What Supplements should I take?